Sunday 9 October 2011

Some Robot Biggie action

 Here is a robot crushing London to some Biggie, cos I felt like it

Robot Biggie from Bill Elliott on Vimeo.

Wednesday 7 September 2011

Resistence III concept work

Here's some keyframes I designed for the promo.
The character in the final frame is taken from  Oli Moss's stunning poster. The other designer on this job was the supremely talented James Wignall. Check out his work at

Thursday 18 August 2011

Resistance III

Here is a little piece just released for Resistance III computer game at SPOV, Directed by Miles Christensen. I worked as a concept designer, then animator, and ended up composting on it.Fun times!

Nero Pitch

Music Vid pitch for Seed. Didn't get it.
See if I care...tthhpt!

juicing is the new drawing

No work. Started work on new ale. Provisionally called Waltham Looter. And juice.

Monday 15 August 2011


A fun little job for those nice people at Grand Visual.